On Not Giving Up (Weigh-In 3)

I know I said I was going to wait until my Fittest Loser official weigh-in tomorrow to post a weight update, but I was too curious today. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I’m so glad I did.

Last week, I was feeling pretty discouraged. I only lost 0.2 pounds in my first week. When losing previously, the first week had generally been a pretty big loss. I know that’s mostly due to water weight, but still, it was always a nice little boost. I mentioned I was dealing with a log of fatigue, and I felt pretty crappy that whole week. However, instead of giving up this week, I worked harder. I had a couple good workouts (still working on making that more regular) and ate yummy food that kept me full and satisfied. I tried new things. And I even ate out twice. Twice!

Instead of saying “screw it” and eating all of my boyfriend’s fries (this is what dating me is like), I found healthier options on the menu that still made me feel good annnnnnnnnndddddddd (drumroll)…I’m down 4.8 pounds this week!

I’m kind of glad I had this experience. When I have tougher weeks in the future (because they do happen), I’ll be able to remind myself to look back on these two weeks. It all sort of evens out in the end, and a less than stellar week can be the set up for an amazing one.

Weight: 268.0 pounds
Lost this week: 4.8
Lost so far: 5.0
Pounds to goal 1: 18.0

Progress pictures! Since I only started mid-January, not seeing much difference yet. However, I wanted to make sure I had pictures from every month so I can see my journey.

2 thoughts on “On Not Giving Up (Weigh-In 3)

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  1. It’s so important to come back from those bad / not-so-great weeks with a vengeance and it sounds like that’s just what you did! Congrats on the loss this week. Just a side note I love that plaid shirt you’re wearing!


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